Great reductions in the crime rate have been verified by statistics where CCTV camera have been installed. An article in 'New Scientist' magazine showed that simply installing a home security CCTV system can reduce crime by over 95%.
Customers have told us that they are experiencing the same results in a variety of businesses; soon you will start to realize why CCTV is viewed by most as the most important system for deterring and preventing home invasions.
Crooks are simply less likely to attack a property with some sort of security deterrent, especially a security camera.
Welcome to our site we stride to eliminate the senseless technical bable and advise you on the simple facts,best tips and the most significant decisions that you will have to make upon choosing the right residential security CCTV system most suited for you and your family.
Here you will learn the best configuration for your home security CCTV environment and we will explain it in half the time it takes the competition too!
This really is great, free, quick and easy advice which you wont find anywhere else without having to spend a chunk of money!
So lets get started!
IP or traditional cameras?
The IP home security CCTV market is developing rapidly but is an extremely costly route. For the home market the traditional cameras are perfect with an unlimited life span and much easier on the bank balance!
Wired or Wireless?
Is your property conducive to running wires around your residence for your home alarm CCTV system or will you need a wireless system? Remember even if it is wireless, you will still need power for the camera from a local power supply.
Also there are possible interference problems when going down the wireless route.
Do I need infrared?
If you want to see clearly in black and white at night then yes you should opt for a camera that has infrared. Camerera not utilizing it will only be good during hours of daylight.
CAT5 cables or Coaxial?
You can run the traditional Coaxial cable to power and process the signal to the cameras throughout your home security CCTV setup.
Since transformers are necessary to energize each camera device,we always suggest that Category 5 cable be installed with small hi tech converters which eliminate all the power supply difficulties!
Indoor cameras or outdoors?
Outside gets a little more expensive but the small additional costs are worth covering your external entry points to the premises. The deterrent factor alone is a worthwhile bonus from installing external cameras.
What DVR?
This is basically the unit that records all the footage from the cameras that you can view at any time.
How much do you need to record? 30 days non stop? Less or more you need to decide to make your choice capacity wise on what size of Hard Drive you will need to buy to run in the DVR.
Constant recording or motion detection?
Do you want to see everything the cameras see throughout the day and night or would you prefer them to be set on motion detection so they record only what moves past them. Motion detection allows for greatly increased recording capacity on the DVR.
For example if the your front door camera was set up correctly with the motion detection setting, you would only see who had come to your front door throughout the day with out having to manually wind the DVR forward.
How do I backup my Footage?
Recordings which are 30 days old can be taped over or if you desire back them up to USB,CD or network PC. These choices will all affect the budget for your home security CCTV system.
About the author:
John Leo